I still love going for a drive, especially when it is sunny. Today's ride, however, while being a great alternative to staying in the house all day, was filled with explanations and curveballs - thanks to a continuous conversation with D.B.
We take a side road and slow to cross the railroad tracks - one of the few in the area that still does not have flashing lights or arms to drop when a train is coming. We get across the tracks and I continue to go slowly, as I note the hunter in orange leisurely leaning against the guide rail, waiting for traffic to pass. He has his gun pointed skyward and gives me a little wave as we pass. I wave back. We are in the friendly backwoods of Pa., after all.
D.B.'s comment: "He's going hunting."
Me (surprised): "Yes, yes he is."
D.B.: "He's going to shoot a deer."
Me: Well no, he can't shoot a deer with a gun today."
Now, I am pro-hunting and have hunted in the past. At some point in my future, I'd love to get a bow and start hunting during archery season. That said, the rest of the ride to our destination is spent attempting to bring the whys of hunting, the seasons and different animals that are hunted (No, D.B., you DON'T hunt horses. They are animals that are owned and taken care of by people. You hunt wild animals. And here's why....) down to a level an almost 5-year-old can understand. [Almost 5, where HAS the time gone?!]
I won't be teaching her that hunting is bad. If she grows to feel that way as she gets older, that is her choice.
Today was enough just trying to get some of the basics across from my perspective.
What a great little mind she has, though. After we had changed topics, I asked a few Diego-esque questions (can you shoot a deer with a gun any time of year, or are there seasons? And - Do we hunt animals that people take care of, their pets, or do we hunt wild animals?) She did retain information.
Go us. =)
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